Talk:Over Kitchen Rules

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Revision as of 09:46, 10 October 2006 by Zahnnie (Talk | contribs)

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What if you don't care if someone eats some of your leftovers, but not others? For example, if I make a pot of tomato sauce I don't care if someone dips into it.--Rykilde 17:00, 4 Oct 2006 (EST)

Then you can tell people it's ok to eat it. You still have to put your name on it (and date it) and don't count on it getting eaten by other people. -Aurora 09:11, 5 Oct 2006 (EST)

I'm sure you could also put "Eat Me!" on the label in addition to your name. That way people would know when they look that it's okay to eat. --Ratri 13:01, 9 Oct 2006 (EST)

And then when the food is done, you can use the "Eat Me!" label in humorous ways. Just saying. -Zahnnie 08:46, 10 Oct 2006 (EST)