Aurora's Ranch

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Revision as of 16:27, 6 November 2004 by Aurora (Talk | contribs)

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Monster Rancher 4 has come to Utter Chaos, and many of us are ranching. I think the only people who aren't Ranching in this house are Nybble and Rykilde. It's impressive.

Here's my geneology so far:

  1. Baka, a Garu/Garu - Made it to S rank before he "lost control of his body."
  2. Escaflow, a Durahan/Dragon - S
  3. Morrigu, a Durahan/Naga - S
  4. Techie, a Pixie/Naga - S
  5. Shippou, a Ripper/Hare - S
  6. Puu, a Phoenix/Phoenix - S
  7. Gizmo, a Garu/Durahan, combo of Baka and Escaflow - Currently S rank, still alive.
  8. Youko, a Tiger/??? (Off of Princess Mononoke) - Currently A rank, still alive.
  9. Kurama, a Pixie/Ogyo (name of the monster is Pink Princess. It's a boy.) - Currently C rank, still alive.
  10. Hina, a Zan/Ripper - Currently D rank, I think. Still alive.
  11. Zahnnie, a Pixie/Durahan, combo of Morrigu and Techie - Currently C rank.

I plan to combo Shippou and Puu into a Phoenix and call it Puusuke. Youko and Kurama will become a Pixie/Tiger, probably named Chibiko. Gizmo and Hina will make a Garu/Zan, naming that one Hiei. I also want to make a Pixie/Ripper and call it Yukina. Can you see a theme here?

--Aurora 15:24, 6 Nov 2004 (EST)