Aurora's Ranch

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Revision as of 02:56, 18 November 2004 by Zahnnie (Talk | contribs)

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Monster Rancher 4 has come to Utter Chaos, and many of us are ranching. I think the only people who aren't Ranching in this house are Nybble, Kit, and Rykilde. It's impressive.

Here's my geneology so far:

  1. Baka, a Garu/Garu - Made it to S rank before he "lost control of his body."
  2. Escaflow, a Durahan/Dragon - S
  3. Morrigu, a Durahan/Naga - S
  4. Techie, a Pixie/Naga - S
  5. Shippou, a Ripper/Hare - S
  6. Puu, a Phoenix/Phoenix - S
  7. Gizmo, a Garu/Durahan, combo of Baka and Escaflow - Currently S rank, still alive. Actually can take S rank monsters on his own. He rocks.
  8. Youko, a Tiger/??? (Off of Princess Mononoke) - S
  9. Kurama, a Pixie/Ogyo (name of the monster is Pink Princess. It's a boy.) - S
  10. Hina, a Zan/Ripper - S
  11. Zahnnie, a Pixie/Durahan, combo of Morrigu and Techie - Currently S rank. She's totally a strength based Pixie.
  12. Assoil, a Ripper/Joker - Currently C rank.
  13. Puusuke, a Phoenix from Puu and Shippou - Currently C rank.
  14. Mercury, a Hermes (Durahan/Antlan) - Currently D rank

I plan to combo Shippou and Puu into a Phoenix and call it Puusuke. Youko and Kurama will become a Pixie/Tiger, probably named Chibiko. Gizmo and Hina will make a Garu/Zan, naming that one Hiei. I also want to make a Pixie/Ripper and call it Yukina. Can you see a theme here?

--Aurora 15:24, 6 Nov 2004 (EST)

So we're checking disks and junk. I put a lot of things that are supposed to have special monsters on my Netflix list. I want a chaos dragon! That'd rule. I'm going to have to come up with something to breed to Zahnnie... dunno what yet. Maybe a Ripper, so I can make Yukina from them.

--Aurora 16:29, 7 Nov 2004 (EST)

Yup. I made Assoil to breed to Zahnnie. I was tempted to name it &IMissU, but I chickened out at the last minute. Zahnnie wasn't here to appreciate it, anyway. Next time, Gadget. Next time.

--Aurora 21:46, 9 Nov 2004 (EST)

So, Z-chan read this last night and cracked up about the &IMissU. Then Ratri made the special ripper off of FFX-2 and we tried to get her to name it that, but failed. Right now, Zahnnie (the monstaa) and Assoil are going to breed to make Yukina... when I'm done with them. Hahahahah! ;) That means Zahnnie gets to be Yukina's mommy! But not Hiei's. Hiei is mine.

--Aurora 12:46, 12 Nov 2004 (EST)

Puusuke's in! Also, I made a new Durahan. However, shortly afterwards I got some disks from Netflix and made a Chaos Durahan for my book. But, I'm saving 2 spots on my ranch for Kurara and Hiei (or Hiichan). I also got the special Henger off a disk. I'll be holding on to those disks until everyones gotten these sweet monsters in their books, or at least everyone who wants them. Mmm, netflix.

--Aurora 20:13, 16 Nov 2004 (EST)

You are full of hilariousity. :)

Zahnnie 01:56, 18 Nov 2004 (EST)