Longest Road

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Continuation of Alpha-Bravo, under new GMship. Wht exactly is going on? So far, who knows. There's some sort of objects, or maybe objects, that some fiends have. And they grant them some kind of control over dragons. The dragons were a bit vague on it . But being brave and intrepid adventurers, they're off to the Abyss to save the day.

The Longest Road (as one might guess from the name) is a Planes-trekking adventure with our dear old friends from Alpha-Bravo. Characters are beginning at 14th level, with ECL figured into that. And what a crazy assortment of characters they are...

Game Master 


Mia (Portrait) 
Kit (when she comes home)
Michael (Portrait) 
Sil (Portrait) 


Zahnnie's old PC before she took over GMship.
The Old Man 
A very old elf, more than a little crazy.

Run Notes

Someone should keep notes! Fine, I guess I will!

Run 1 -- 3/19/2005

The run opened with a slight jump in time: the party spoke to the Queen, who had no idea what to do with Michael's mom. She sent them to see That Old Man, who evidently knew about researching odd things. The party did a little shopping and was on their way out of the capital when they saw two people approaching on the back of a phantom steed. What a coincidence! And that was when a glowing green square dropped a living holocaust on their heads.

After battling the raging firey doom, which actually wasn't that bad except it picked up the mages and tossed them about 200 ft in the air, they heroically rescued some children from a burning building. Possibly a boxful of kittens was involved. Remarkably, the two magely types just happened to be looking for them! Sent by the Old Man! The party returned to the capital to spend the night, as Ezel would be able to teleport them there in the morning.

And so he did, with no problems. The party entered TOM's hut (which was bigger on the inside, strangely) and saw a giant spinning cube. Being smart adventurers they didn't even touch it a little, but when TOM waltzed into the room he certainly did, accidentally setting off a trap that sucked the whole party inside the cube. They dodged some spikes and played in zero gravity before punching their way out (a surefire winning solution). TOM was muchly embarassed, for a few minutes until he forgot about it.

The Old Man sent the party to go speak to a lady in the mountains above where (Ratri's char) grew up with elves. There was an object she wished to have retrieved, but TOM was very vague about the details. That rascally old fellow! Since the teleport machine hadn't been there before they had to travel. On the way they encountered and smacked down a horned devil, which had half the party fleeing in terror and the other half either invisible, kanchoing, or both. What a lark! And onwards they went to the elven village.

A peaceful and boring village however... Sil and Michael got smashed with some elves, Sil told some wild lies, information was drunkenly gathered, and some people actually slept. (Bah!) In the morning they headed up the cliff with some helpful fly spells and entered a Big Mysterious Caverny Tunnel. It went down and down and at the bottom was a very unnaturally smooth wall. Michael knocked on it before Ezel pointed out that it was an illusion, and was actually gold scaled flesh. Much to Michael's embarassment... The "wall" rumbled, pulled away, and a very large dragon face looked at them with irritation.

The dragon took on the form of an elven woman to converse with the party and it eventually came about that this was Sil's mother. Though it took some people longer to get it than others. She told the party about the Wailing Night and the way the planes "broke" in a way, and how the fiends had gained control of several items important to dragonkind, artifacts with the power to control them. She quizzed them to see if she could trust them, then took most of a day to ponder it. Finally she made up her mind and told them that the sphere was located in the Abyss, somewhere on the first five levels. She then asked them if there was anything they needed that she could supply them with for their quest (omg hoard) and thus the run ended.